Aliette wdg is a fungicide manufactured by Bayer CropScience for the control of several fungal diseases on crops. The active ingredient is fosetyl-aluminium, which works by inhibiting fungal cell respiration.
Aliette was first introduced by Rhône-Poulenc in 1983.
In 1998, Rhône-Poulenc merged with Hoechst AG to form Aventis CropScience.
In 2002, Bayer acquired Aventis CropScience and became Bayer CropScience.
Today, Aliette is sold in over 90 countries worldwide.
Ridomil Gold is a brand name for metalaxyl, a fungicide manufactured by Syngenta for the control of various fungal diseases on crops. It is a systemic fungicide that works by inhibiting protein synthesis in the fungi.
Mancozeb is a broad-spectrum fungicide that controls many fungal diseases on crops. It is used on a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Mancozeb works by preventing the growth and reproduction of fungi.
Captan is a fungicide and bactericide that controls many fungal and bacterial diseases on crops. It is used on a variety of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals. Captan works by interfering with fungal and bacterial cell membranes.
Aliette wdg is a water-dispersible granule formulation of fosetyl-aluminium that controls various fungal diseases on crops. It is applied as a foliar spray or drench and is compatible with most commonly used pesticides and fertilizers.
Aliette liquid is a liquid formulation of fosetyl-aluminium that controls various fungal diseases on crops. It is applied as a foliar spray or drench and is compatible with most commonly used pesticides and fertilizers.
Aliette can be used on a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, and turfgrass.
Aliette works by inhibiting fungal cell respiration, which prevents the growth and reproduction of fungi.
Aliette is not classified as toxic to humans, but it is important to follow the label instructions for safe use.
Aliette is compatible with most commonly used pesticides and fertilizers, but always consult the label for specific instructions.
The frequency of application depends on the crop and the severity of the disease. Consult the label for specific instructions.