Badger Wheels designs and manufactures high-quality, durable and versatile wheels for outdoor gear such as Yeti, Rtic, and OtterBox coolers, kayaks, and paddleboards. Their wheels are built with superior materials and engineering that turns outdoor adventures into more comfortable experiences.
Founded in 2015 by two lifelong friends, Patrick and Andrew while they were on the way back from an offshore fishing trip. They realized the need for a better solution to transport heavy outdoor gears from one place to another.
Initially started with designing and manufacturing wheels for ice chests.
In 2020, Badger Wheels introduced other outdoor gear wheels, including the paddleboard and kayak wheel set.
They are a Made in the USA brand and have their manufacturing facility in Austin, Texas.
Inexpensive kayak and canoe cart.
Folding kayak and canoe cart with large wheels.
Kayak and canoe cart with wide wheels.
Durable and sturdy wheel set for Yeti coolers that makes transporting them easier.
Heavy-duty wheel set for Rtic Coolers that allows the user to move them on any terrain.
Rugged wheels for Engel coolers that allow for effortless transportation over many surfaces.
High-quality wheels for OtterBox coolers that can handle rough terrain without any difficulty.
Sturdy and durable wheel set for kayaks and paddleboards which help the user to move them with ease.
Badger Wheels are proudly made in the USA and manufactured in Austin, Texas.
Badger Wheels are designed to be compatible with Yeti, Rtic, OtterBox, and Engel coolers only.
Yes, it is very easy to install Badger Wheels. All you need is to clip them onto your cooler or outdoor gear, and they are ready to use.
Badger Wheels have a weight capacity of up to 500 lbs, which means you can easily transport your gear to any location without any difficulty.
Yes, Badger Wheels are designed to tackle any terrain, including gravel, sand, mud, and grass. Their superior engineering and high-quality materials make them incredibly durable and versatile.