Ugobe is a technology company that focuses on creating robots which are advanced, interactive and life-like.
Ugobe was founded in 2004 by Caleb Chung and Marc Eversole.
The company's first product was the Pleo, a robotic dinosaur that was designed to look, act and learn like a living creature.
In 2008, Ugobe declared bankruptcy due to a lack of funding and the global recession.
WowWee is a toy and consumer electronics company that offers a range of interactive robots, including the MiP and Robosapien.
Anki is a robotics company that specializes in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Their products include Cozmo and Vector.
Pleo is an interactive and lifelike robotic dinosaur that was designed to learn and develop over time. It had touch and sound sensors, and could respond to its environment.
Ugobe is a technology company that creates advanced, interactive and life-like robots.
Ugobe was founded in 2004.
Pleo is an interactive and lifelike robotic dinosaur that was designed to learn and develop over time. It had touch and sound sensors and could respond to its environment.
Ugobe declared bankruptcy in 2008 due to a lack of funding and the global recession.
Ugobe's competitors include WowWee, Anki, and other companies that offer interactive and lifelike robots.